Friday 29 October 2010

What's in a name?

At the end of each month my wife and i got to my mums house for dinner and excessive amounts of alcohol. On one particular evening the wine and subsequent brandy's seemed more potent than normal and the conversation veered in strange directions. You know the kind of thing, your trying to discuss deep theological and philosophical issues while being barely able to utter a coherent sentence!
The next day, as my head started to clear I mentioned to my Elaine that I could not remember much of the previous evening, but at times I experienced 'flashes of bullshit'!
I think this will be a good name for the rambling and disconnected nature of posts in this blog. Expect posts on general day to day stuff; alcohol and the brewing of; music; ukulele; films, especially trashy horror; hiking; photography; science and my musings on my journey from evangelical christian to atheist.
Hope you enjoy, feel free to comment, just keep it friendly!